brian #eno is... touring!? his first time doing song-oriented shows since fronting 801 in '76, i believe. hope they make it statesward to a venue that's not a giant festival.
if you're a fan of '70s #eno & have never gotten down with the 801 live album featuring lotsa eno & #PhilManzanera, it's a goddamn delight.
and if you have, the rehearsal disc & audience tape from reading are swell too. rehearsal:
@bourgwick Just like how "Wrong Way Up" feels like Eno doing his version of "Speaking In Tongues," the 801 project gives us hints about what Roxy Music might have sounded like if Ferry had left and not him.
@bourgwick in the same vein, assuming you know this too
@doc_dead i don't use spotify & can't see that preview, sorry.
@bourgwick was a link to Mainstream by Quiet Sun, tried to find a YouTube link but couldn’t get one to work.
@bourgwick great album... Had my copy out for a spin recently, for the first time in a long time, and it was as good as what I remembered!