#Shakti was wondrous.
Venue was mostly filled, but not completely.
Audience was perhaps mostly Zakir fans (south asian/Indian-americans) , with guitar people, and some of us dirty hippies thrown in.
My wife loved it !!
People of Indian background know this rhythms and can clap along.
Us dirty hippies, not so much.
Clap-rest-clap-rest-clap-clap-clap-(tricky part,usually a wave type motion with hand) repeat.
If you think the following..
McLaughlin is the virtuoso on stage, or maybe Zakir and him.. well you are mistaken, everyone of them was incredible.
@mrcompletely @tor_haxson
I’m lucky to be going to the Ryman show tomorrow night…I was lucky to see the McLaughlin/Jimmy Herring tour in 2017 and I never thought I would see Mahavishnu Orchestra music being played live and it was incredibly awesome, but I think I’m even more psyched about seeing Shakti…
Really looking forward to this one!