this seems obvious: #NaomiWolf might be nuts, but when she and her fellow innumerate conspiracists talk about 'social credit' #surveillance systems coming to the west in the guise of vaccine requirements, they're only wrong on the details.
read more #cyberpunk, naomi! less RW conspiracism.
to start, i'd guess that we're ~5 years, tops, from some major tech company *explicitly* acknowledging that in order to use its products, you're not allowed to use certain language in earshot of its devices.
schools and employers--y'know, the actually existing institutions with absolute power over your credentials, ability to work, etc.--already demand to know what you do online in your spare time, who you associate with, what you say, as a **prerequisite** for entering The System. this is only a 'social credit' surveillance system by another name.
in a sane world, the #TwitterFiles debacle would've reminded americans of how dangerous corporate surveillance/censorship regimes are--and how deeply entwined the USA gov't is with silicon valley macropredators like pre-#musk #twitter. but 'progressive' fixation on the cartoonish *messengers* drowned out mainstream coverage of the antifascist *message.*
'oh well' as they say