bored stiff last night reading #NickLand’s FANGED NOUMENA. a dire case of wannabe-novelist disease, passing secondhand poetry off to gradschool washouts in the guise of secondhand philosophy.
no wait i take it back, he’s Significant and i’m just not Hip Enough to get it
@waxbanks ew one of those
@mrcompletely gradschool-wally would have *loved* nick land’s ‘theory-fiction’ act—probably would’ve had time for the repugnant steven shaviro as well. as it is, i run out of steam after #WalterBenjamin, find the whole crit-wank edifice grotesque, and hope it’s all a sign of my deep maturity not just encroaching senescence
@waxbanks the value neutral take is "my aesthetic has evolved"
@mrcompletely that’s right, and should be enough. the fortified wine wants something a little more viscerally satisfying, though—i’m in no mindstate to reckon with the universe’s benign neglect, the downright swiss neutrality of time (maybe that’s why those fuckers love clocks so much)…
i’m watching #AdvancedSquadLeader tutorials on youtube and hoping never, ever, ever to sober up again
750mL of muscle relaxant is just what the general surgery dept ordered
@waxbanks damn I used to play a lot of that game