These are surely strange, dark and weird times. Orange County, California #gratefuldead #orangecountyca #california #truckin #roberthunter
These are surely strange, dark and weird times. Orange County, California #gratefuldead #orangecountyca #california #truckin #roberthunter
Ted Tocks Covers - Year 8 - Day 9
The Grateful Dead are the 2025 MusiCares Persons of the Year honourees.
“I had to move
Really had to move
That's why if you please
I am on my bended knees
Bertha don't you come around here anymore”
#GratefulDead #RobertHunter #DeadandCompany #Bertha #LosLobos #DarkStarOrchestra #TheTerrapinFamilyBand
Never Before and Never Again: Brigid Meier On Robert Hunter’s ‘The Silver Snarling Trumpet’
Listening to “Box of Rain”, “Unbroken Chain”, and “Eyes of the World” on hearing of the death of Grateful Dead bassist Phil Lesh (1940-2024). #111Words #PhilLesh #TheGratefulDead #BoxOfRain #RobertHunter #AmericanBeauty #UnbrokenChain #BobbyPedersen #FromTheMarsHotel #EyesOfTheWorld #JerryGarcia #DicksPicks31 #RooseveltStadium #JerseyCity
`"Crazy Fingers" was, in fact, all written beforehand. It was a page or two of haiku I'd been working on in a notebook. Jerry looked at them and said, "Hey, this might fit together as a song."` - Robert Hunter
Gambling in lyrics by Robert Hunter and by Taylor Swift. #111Words #Music #Lyrics #RobertHunter #TheGratefulDead #Loser #ScarletBegonias #Garcia #FromTheMarsHotel #TaylorSwift #SpeakNowTaylorsVersion #FoolishOne #CorneliaStreet #Lover #TheLastGreatAmericanDynasty #Folklore #SalvadorDalí #CardShark
@shlenny I'm sure they'll appreciate my particular passion for #TomMarshall #Phish #JeffTweedy #Wilco #BobDylan #BobMarley #RobertHunter #JohnPerryBarlow #GratefulDead song lyrics too right?
Daily #SteveKimock. A couple years ago Gregg Anton went back and reviewed tapes from their epic run at the #GreatAmericanMusicHall in 92. They had already released cuts from the shows on their Chance in a Million album.
Gregg realized that there were still lots of tracks worth releasing. They were eventually released last year as Naught Again.
Here’s one of my favorite cuts, written by #RobertHunter
Ted Tocks Covers
Standing on the Moon
Originally posted on August 9, 2021
Remembering Jerry Garcia
“Standing on the moon
I got no cobweb on my shoe
Standing on the moon
I’m feeling so alone and blue”
Reuben was strumming his painted mandolin
Reuben and Cérise
Jerry Garcia (d. 9 August 1995) and Robert Hunter
The Grateful Dead
#Music #TheGratefulDead #JerryGarcia #RobertHunter #ReubenAndCérise
Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter’s “The Wheel” live and in the studio. #111Words #JerryGarcia #RobertHunter #BobMatthews #GoodOlGratefulDeadcast #TheWheel #Music #TheGratefulDead @bourgwick
Daily #SteveKimock. Gone nearly 10 years. The deep inimitable voice of #JudgeMurphy. The #RobertHunter tune #HomeOnThe Range.
Daily #SteveKimock. A ripping brace of #RobertHunter tunes. Steve with the old school #VoxTonebender #fuzz with the #Mutron envelope filter. After #JerryGarcia passed the crew invited Steve to come to the studio and pick out any gear he wanted from Jerry’s stash. He took home two Mutrons.
New Dylan Dead cover! Reports that Bob played "Stella Blue" in Barcelona tonight. First time ever! On Robert Hunter's birthday.
Ted Tocks Covers - Year 6 - Day 66
To Lay Me Down
Celebrating the songwriting of #RobertHunter with a beautiful song by #JerryGarcia and the #GratefulDead.
Also enjoy several amazing cover versions.
“To lay me down, once more
To lay me down with my head in sparklin' clover
To lay me down, one last time, to lay me down
To be with you, once more, to be with you.
With our bodies close together
Let the world go by, like the clouds a'streamin'
To lay me down"
and, being a #GarciaPeoples show, i naturally scored this sweet #RobertHunter shirt from my friend matt, who only has a flipphone & hasn't been on the open internet since 2003ish (yes, even email), look for him on tour this summer.
Daily #SteveKimock. A rare high tempo version of the #RobertHunter tune #HomeOnTheRange with a slice of #Ermaline in the middle.
50 years ago today, #JerryGarcia & #RobertHunter decide to rent a car to drive themselves to the next #gratefuldead show in massachusetts. garcia gets pulled over & busted in new jersey. promoter john scher comes with the $$ to bail out garcia, cementing a long relationship where scher will occasionally act in manager-like capacities for the dead & garcia. (garcia gets 1-year probation in july.)