40 years ago this afternoon, the #gratefuldead in #SantaFe, the 1st of 2 shows beloved by deadheads, promoted by woodstock producer (& europe ’72 colleague) john morris. wavy gravy & ken kesey sightings. late summer ’83, show #13. nice soundboard with everybody (including weir’s guitar) balanced: https://archive.org/details/gd1983-09-10.139299.sbd.eaton.miller.flac1648
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F47EX0ZfUrA [1/10]
interviews with #JerryGarcia & #BobWeir to promote the #SantaFe ’83 shows. [2/10]
some local #SantaFe '83 color.
- occasional dead lyricist bobby petersen (“unbroken chain,” “new potato caboose,” “revolutionary hamstrung blues”) apparently did jail time locally at some point & arranged for the shows to be taped & played at the prison. cc @xian
- local dead freak hyped on roses. [3/10]
9/10/83 santa fe: really fun night, lotta bass. micro-jams in 9-minute MUSIC NEVER STOPPED opener that just won’t... stop, tho weir drops words. garcia looking icky, sounding present, his tunes especially uptempo in rain-shortened 1st set (also maybe why weir skips cowboy & blues). extra solo chorus in BIG RAILROAD BLUES finds neat place. 11-minute CHINA CAT SUNFLOWER > I KNOW YOU RIDER with exuberant garcia shreds before transition, a few speed bumps agreeing on that tempo through RIDER. [4/10]
everything clicking in 2nd set, even MAN SMART/WOMAN SMARTER gets little interesting at tempo. fire CUMBERLAND BLUES. 61-minute PLAYING IN THE BAND > CHINA DOLL > DRUMZ > SPACE > THE OTHER ONE > GOIN’ DOWN THE ROAD FEELING BAD > ONE MORE SATURDAY NIGHT. PLAYING takes a moment to widen. from CHINA DOLL, churning jam minus garcia, shifting a few times. [5/10]
double-rainbow during DRUMZ. in SPACE, garcia & weir hit a pair of cool themes (bright, then moody) that the ’72-’74 band would’ve surfed, but rhythm section is MIA & they dissolve, though jam stays quizzical with comical stereo-panned bicycle horn. OTHER ONE gets fierce, continuing after 2nd verse with lesh/garcia pocket. rare COLD RAIN & SNOW encore, rarer lesh vocals. (not totally convinced this double rainbow is from the show, but maybe?) [6/10]
memories of the dead in santa fe, today in 1983, part 3, including deadcast pal strider brown (from our veneta ’72 + kezar ’73 episodes). #deadfreaksunite #gd091083 [10/10]
@bourgwick I'm very discerning about post-1980 tapes, and this show is one I hadn't really leaned into deep enough. That said, I've been giving it a close listen the past few days and am glad I did--so many riches. Garcia is so on, and his energy is palpable throughout. Thanks for reminding me of this gig.
@bourgwick “and I done some time… ”
@xian that was the first thing your colleague in petersenia said when i sent this over.
@bourgwick grateful minds think alike