a reminder that both sets of tonight's marshall allen #nyc all-stars will be streamed. some very heady players. https://www.artsforart.org/all-stars.html #SunRa #jazz
excellent docket of upcoming #nyc #jazz shows at shift in scenic #williamsburg. https://www.411kent.org/shift
powerful early set by @SunRaUniverse leader #MarshallAllen & 17ish piece #nyc all-stars at shift. awe-inspiring watching him conduct a free band by hand gestures, building & thinning out to some wonderful places, often kicked to deeper level by bassist brandon lopez, diving/dividing following marshall's hand-commuincated pulse. lotsa electronic valve instrument echo pedal jams by allen, too. stickin' around for the late show.
late #MarshallAllen #nyc all-stars set at shift was even more wow, bigger & more joyous, band more comfortable finding cosmic grooves/squalls/responses & flowing with them, plus maximum action painting by marshall. word is he's playing a late set someplace else. insert obligatory reference to the fact that he's 98 here. #saturn #jazz #SunRa
@bourgwick that Darius Jones?
@longrally very much so!