Mornin' heads! Happy Friday! #JerryDouglas looks like he's about 15 in this one. Also #TonyRice is fire.
@AmericanReality I was there! Whitewater and Freeborn Man from this set are up too, and the flacs are in my Tony Rice download archive
@mrcompletely I meant to ask earlier. Are those flacs shareable?
@AmericanReality yeah, my Tony archive is public. The circulating songs from that set are in the Merlefest 92 collection. See the text file for some info and suggestions
@mrcompletely @AmericanReality many thanks for this treasure chest of Tony feel like I just stumbled into a goldmine ~ got some listening to do ahead
@tuneslist @AmericanReality you're welcome - it took a lot of very enjoyable effort to get it to this state. I benefited from many people's time and generosity building a pretty massive music collection and sharing well-organized/curated chunks of it is my way of paying all that forward
@mrcompletely @tuneslist that '82 TRU
@AmericanReality @mrcompletely hot damn you weren’t kidding ~ listened to it this morning ~ that TRU 1982 was something else altogether ~ more jazz in the style of Django than bluegrass
@tuneslist @AmericanReality that's what the original TRU was all about, the 1980-82 lineup, what Tony called "spacegrass". It's a direct extension of the Dawg music Tony helped pioneer as an original member of the DGQ. If you haven't heard the original self-titled DGQ album that's a run don't walk scenario! There are also a couple 77 DGQ shows with Tony in that same folder.
Tony Rice albums in that jazzy style include Backwaters (my fav), Devlin and Acoustics
@mrcompletely @tuneslist I'm never more than arm's length from a copy of that DGQ record. Desert island.
@AmericanReality @tuneslist one of the defining before/after moments in acoustic music and holds up beautifully