Music enthusiast and #Dad to 2 little whirlwinds, husband to a lovely #geeky wife.
#EnglishMajor .
Everything from #Amm to #Zappa. My heroes are FZ and #MilesDavis. I am learning #bass
#FreeImprovisation, #Jazz, #Metal, #Jamband. I hope to have fun here.
Hi BassIsFun sup?
Happy to see #new users join the Fediverse!
Consider pinning an introduction post to your profile.
@BassIsFun Welcome to Mastodon
@elyas Thank you, seems good
@BassIsFun it’s all about the bass!
@massimobiolcati No Treble! I see you play upright bass. I love that instrument. Not tall or nimble enough for it. William Parker is one of my heroes.
@BassIsFun hi BassIsFun Good to meet you on here!
@leRoux thanks Chris, having fun.