not nearly enough musicians/bands on this site, gonna try to get in the habit of spreading tourdates over here. some of my fave #nyc area live acts will be on the road next month & beyond. mask up & go see #WeakSignal (with cass mccombs), #GarciaPeoples, and/or #YoLaTengo. no-fee tix info on YLT's site:
more tourdates! ( continued)
rose city band on the west coast & europe.
taper's choice (who should be tapers' choice) cruise LA this weekend.
acid mothers temple hit seemingly everywhere.
osees hit many somewheres.
tourdates & shows, continued.
chris forsyth & garcia peoples (some with purling hiss), lotta freaks.
debut american tour by etran de l'aïr, from niger.
new album/tour by xlouris white (nyc date with myriam gendron!)
rare american gig by alvarius b, aka alan bishop of the sun city girls, in tucson.
@bourgwick I keep hoping to see folks like Rolin/Powers and James Toth come over. I pop into Twitter from time to time and see my music follows existing as if nothings going down over there. I’ll be traveling to Cats Cradle in March for YLT, can’t wait!
@bourgwick Cannot wait for the GP/Sunburned shows.
@bourgwick definitely wish there were more musicians over here. I feel like I’m missing out on a lot of announcements.
@QueenCityJamz @bourgwick I think there’s at least some taper coverage for these…
@QueenCityJamz @bourgwick I still feel like I don’t really “get” them but I got tix for the SF show anyway. I’m gonna keep at it until something clicks.
@bourgwick @QueenCityJamz How do we lure these dudes to the front range and make the Bajas + P.Wolf dream a reality?
@theheatwarps @bourgwick @QueenCityJamz just have Cooper produce your record! That ought to do it
@detroitlightning @theheatwarps @bourgwick @QueenCityJamz Peak to Peak Tour ‘23
@bourgwick @QueenCityJamz @detroitlightning @doomandgloomfromthetomb I’m already plotting the route!
@QueenCityJamz @bourgwick it's a shame more bands aren't dabbling into mastodon, weaning off the toxic sm. Looking forward to seeing @musicofEYELIDS @SleafordMods #yolatengo this spring
@FishtownMike @QueenCityJamz @bourgwick @SleafordMods Love it here…peaceful ya know?!?
@bourgwick ain’t nunadeez sumbitches hearda Coluhrahduh?!?
@bryontreece @bourgwick Welcome brother to the geographic pains of being a Centennial Stater. I've come to the conclusion we gotta restart ATP and lure the good bands out here. Now we just need to find a run-down resort with a stage...