#YoLaTengo cover #TomVerlaine's "breakin' in my heart" in manchester last night, as far as i know the first time ylt has covered tv outside @WFMU fundraising duties. tighter than dylan's "truckin'" & gnarlier guitar freakout, too. (set 2, track 11.) https://archive.org/details/YLT_2023-04-12/2023-04-12+New+Century%2C+Manchester%2C+England/yo_la_tengo_2023-04-12_set211.flac
the refrain cadence of "breakin' in my heart" (debuted by television in '75) continues to remind me strongly of the velvets' "temptation inside your heart," unreleased until '84 but perhaps in (poor) circulation previously.
@bourgwick @WFMU i seem to be always doing this - but once again, i thank you