Attempting, perhaps in vain, to get my head and mood straight on a Friday morning. #GarciaPeoples #PsychedelicRock #Improvisation #Vinyl
@drummmerandy that's a cozy listening spot you've got there. Now, if that were me, the Lava Lamp would be plugged into the switched outlet in back of the receiver- if it don't draw too much.
@NWTrailhound it's usually on in the evenings! I don't bother in the morning because it takes a full hour to do anything interesting.
@drummmerandy I have a small wattage decorative light connected to that outlet. Draws no more juice than a nightlight. I always appreciate that overt reminder the system is left on. I'm about to break down my primary listening space for a while.. pending remodel. When I re-assemble, I'm going to run ambient RGBW LED strings.