Godspeed You! Black Emperor
minimannerism at repetitive maxilength, which is what happens when admirably intentioned 2nd-string improvisers' ultimate musical horizon and sole musitech is the Big Crescendo. long stretches sound like funkless Can or slightly grittier Rachel's or TED talk montage underscore: intense, enveloping, didactic. on paper its ambient insistence is me-catnip; IRL its postrock monotony offends me a little.
i’ve been trying with #godspeed — ‘shake yr skinny fists’ in particular — for 20 years now. i like most genres *adjacent* to this music, and have immense patience for ‘static’ ambient/textural work…it’s just an inexplicable, intolerable dead zone for me
this kind of inescapable judgment gets me all defensive, sorry
Inexplicable likes are worse.
@waxbanks I had a good moment with “f#a#∞” but haven’t really gotten into the post-punk drone since.
@jered they feel to me like ‘conceptual art’: stuff i like the idea of, only inevitably to be disappointed that the idea’s the whole thing. like a gallery full of illustrated wall text, instead of actual paintings.
@waxbanks I agree. Sometimes it clicks, and sometimes I feel like, “I see what you’re trying to do here…” for example, I’m about 50/50 on Jenny Holzer.