heads.social is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
We're like licorice. Not everybody likes licorice, but the people who like licorice really like licorice.

Server stats:

active users


(defun wgh/denote-capture ()
"create denote entry in 'inbox' dir w/tag 'capture'"
( (denote-use-title (format-time-string "%H:%M %A %Y-%b-%d" (current-time)))
(denote-use-directory (expand-file-name "inbox" (denote-directory)))
(denote-use-keywords '("capture"))

) ;;; god damn it i love writing even the simplest lisp — and denote.el is cleeeeeeean

@waxbanks Chiming in to say that Denote is indeed very, very clean. I have caught myself peeking into the source code so many times for reasons that sometimes have nothing to do with Denote. The API is very well-composed, documentation is the cream of the crop and the package covers a lot of ground for a lot of people which makes it a comprehensive system that should, without hesitation, become a built-in package.

@grtcdr hell yes. Prot’s efforts toward legibility and transparency are so perfectly aligned w/the spirit of the project and community.