#Music #RockAndRoll
I turned in late to the 2024 #RockAndRollHallOfFame (R&RHOF) awards show yesterday but watched most of it recorded on my #DVR.
Really enjoyed the sets of #KoolAndtheGang & #DionneWarwick, #Foreigner, #Frampton & #OzzieOzborne.
I know he has a large fan base & I like some of his songs but I didn't think #Buffet deserved the award.
I've never been a #DaveMatthews fan -- even less so after I heard him & his band play -- & I question why they got the award too. 
Liked how #Dionne said it was the 3rd time she was nominated & was about to tell them to "take their award & shove it" but was happy that they finally got it "right." For real . . . 
Listening to Dionne on CD now. 
Seems like the R&RHOF pretty much admits anybody & everybody who ever had a hit record into the hall -- except Dionne until now.
Anyway, I've been to Cooperstown but never to the R&RHOF in Cleveland and, given where it's located, I doubt I ever will . . .
but the music will always live on.