NASA analysis shows unexpected amount of sea level rise in 2024

NASA analysis shows unexpected amount of sea level rise in 2024
NASA Analysis Shows Unexpected Amount of Sea Level Rise in 2024. Why are we not suprised? #climate #climatechange #sealevel
Flooding from below: The unseen risks of sea level rise
#Oceans last year reached their highest levels in three decades — with the global #SeaLevel rate rising higher than expected, according to a NASA-led analysis published Thursday. The unexpected rise in global levels is alarming, particularly for regional impacts around coastal cities, many of which are already experiencing more damaging #flooding.
#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climate
I have released episode 5 of the Raised Beaches Podcast, a podcast about paleoclimate, Earth science and global change! This episode's deep dive is on the greenhouse effect. Get it in the following link or wherever you get your podcasts.
In the intro, I talk about going to watch Sakurajima Volcano erupt, an earthquake I felt in January, my efforts to download data from NOAA and how US government agencies are being shut down, and a commentary on DEI.
I discuss in the deep dive how the greenhouse effect works, and why greenhouse gases are needed to keep the planet inhabitable. In the second part I discuss the history of the discovery of the greenhouse effect and how it got its name, and the greenhouse effect on Venus and Mars.
Finally, I discuss in the papers section a recent paper I am coauthor on, led by Alessio Rovere, about determining past sea level position from a beach ridge in Argentina. I discuss 4 other papers.
#Paleoclimate #ClimateChange #Podcast #SeaLevel #NOAA #Volcano
Weatherwatch: The need to wake up to sea level rise in the UK #Climatecrisis #Environment #UKweather #Sealevel #UKnews #Oceans
Small island nations face climate-induced ‘catastrophe’, warn experts #Globaldevelopment #Pacificislands #Extremeweather #Climatecrisis #SouthChinaSea #Globalhealth #Denguefever #Extremeheat #Climateaid #Caribbean #Diabetes #Sealevel #Obesity #Oceans
When the ice caps melt, the #CoteBasque
will have a very different shoreline.
The #Petrofuture -- 66m sea level rise on a vintage 1969 Shell Oil map.
Unprecedented changes in Antarctica ice prompt researchers to issue emergency statement
Hundreds of polar researchers issue an emergency statement calling for urgent action to deal with the impacts of climate change in Antarctica.
An Abrupt Decline in Global Terrestrial Water Storage and Its Relationship with Sea Level Change. NASA satellites reveal a significant drop in global #freshwater levels since 2014, linked to #droughts and potentially global warming, impacting #agriculture and water availability worldwide. #climatechange #water #SeaLevel
Cool webstory by Reuters about future Iceland's and global volcanic eruptions to be triggered by retreating glaciers, when the weight of the ice is no longer keeping a lid on magma chambers.
Apart from neat writing, it's with video, lotsa photos, animated charts and everything one can think of to be included in #scicomm
tldr: yes, volcanic eruptions will increase with the retreat of glaciers. #Antarctica's volcanos too. #Earthquake activity has already been picking up in Iceland since 2021, also elsewhere in the #Arctic near glaciers, and around the globe.
It has happened before when Earth crawled out of the last #iceage into the #Holocene.
I might add: it happened not only at volcanos near glaciers. Rising #sealevel has triggered near-coastal volcanos, too, whether above or below the water. IIRC, a study on Stromboli proved it.
I personally think, #HungaTonga's eruption could have been one of the first submarine volcanos to have been triggered by #climateChange Another submarine volcano erupted near Japan in 2021 or 2022, forgot its name, starts with an O...
Not as huge an explosion like Hunga Tonga tho.
Episode 2 of the Raised Beaches Podcast, a podcast about paleoclimate, is live! In the main topic, I discuss about sea level and deviations from sea level including a lengthy discussion on tsunamis. In the intro, I discuss about the extreme heat during the past two years.
I have a new paper out, in a study led by Matthias Fuchs! We estimated the methane flux for the past 20,000 years from Beringia coastal wetlands. This study uses the PaleoMIST topography reconstruction, which was validated with offshore sediment cores that contain terrestrial peats. This area had spatially variable sea level changes during the deglaciation due to its proximity in the intermediate field of the ice sheets. #ClimateChange #Paleoclimate #SeaLevel #Methane
I am pleased to announce that my new podcast on paleoclimate, Earth Science and global change, the Raised Beaches Podcast, will launch tomorrow (Friday 6th) at 11 AM Japan time (2 AM UTC)! Please stay tuned for the official launch! #Paleoclimate #ClimateChange #SeaLevel #Climate #Podcast
Update on the launch of my new paleoclimate focused podcast, the Raised Beaches Podcast. It took a bit longer to edit than expected, since I decided to re-record a lot of it, but I am putting the finishing touches on. It should launch on Thursday or Friday! #ClimateChange #PaleoClimate #SeaLevel #podcast
Brilliant piece on #SeaLevel in the New Yorker from @brookejarvis
Ht @meetar
"Relatively warm ocean currents are weakening the base of Antarctica's enormous Thwaites glacier, whose demise could raise sea levels by as much as 7 feet. To separate the ice from those warmer ocean waters, scientists have put forward an audacious plan to erect a massive underwater curtain."
As 'Doomsday' Glacier Melts, Can an Artificial Barrier Save It? - Yale E360
Thwaites Glacier won’t collapse like dominoes as feared, study finds, but that doesn’t mean the ‘Doomsday Glacier’ is stable via @TheConversationClimate
#Antarctica #Ice #SeaLevel #Thwaites #DoomsdayGlacier #AntarcticIceSheet #WAIS
If you are interested in the idea of reconstructing past sea level using beach ridges, have a look at our new #preprint, led by Alessio Rovere, where we attempt to find the indicative meaning of these landforms, with reference to a site in Patagonia, Argentina. It has photographic proof that I, the modeller, sometimes go out into the field. ;) #SeaLevel #Paleoclimate #geomorphology
“If you only looked at the grounded ice change, you’d actually be underestimating the effect of the freshwater addition by about HALF. So, understanding & keeping track of the floating ice bit is important for those direct effects & then also those small #SeaLevel effects.”
These factors should be included in the discussion of sea level, he said, & he hopes new #climate models will reflect the details of #ocean-#IceShelf interactions, particularly in #Antarctica.