OK first listen to all of the new Molly Tuttle album and not only is there a song about getting legal weed in Nashville but the second song Where Did All The Wild Things Go has a bit about being passed out in the portojohn....this is some real talk #bluegrass from the queen
@mrcompletely Molly is just the cat's pajamas- great band, too!
@sbourne it seems like every album is better than the last! I'm loving this one. And yes the whole package is great. They have great vibe and are incredibly tight. There are a couple breakdowns so far on this album that are no joke
@mrcompletely We saw her twice before she toured with a band, and then a handful of times since - and we will see her any time she performs within a few hours drive...
@mrcompletely she's absolutely delightful and I'm really digging this album. Just picked up tix to her Bellingham show!
@drummmerandy she's so cool
I first saw festival clips of her a few years and listened to the albums and thought "I hope she gets more bluegrassy"
and for once I got my wish!
@mrcompletely I knew that Molly and Billy Strings ran in the same circles, but I recently learned that they were housemates back in the day. You know she has some stories!
@drummmerandy yeah imagine the picking in that living room, sheesh!
@mrcompletely Seeing her this next Sunday at Rockygrass. Can’t wait!
@Kealoha321 @mrcompletely hope to see you there @Kealoha321 ! I'll be there all week since doing the Academy ~ let's try to say hello!
@mrcompletely agreed it's another incredible release and feels like an extension to Crooked Tree ~ Crooked Tree a bit more traditional #bluegrass while City of Gold has more range of style and more instrumental jamming with tighter group dynamics ~ keepin an eye on the bluegrass charts already ~ this album should be headin right to the top ~ https://www.rootsmusicreport.com/charts/print_chart/album/genre/bluegrass/weekly #MollyTuttle
@mrcompletely Finally got to listen to the whole thing on the road home from #bmfs this morning, and it made me laugh, made me cry, along with the usual guitar awe she always inspires. Heard a few tunes in advance, but the new-to-me "Goodbye Mary" left me speechless. If I tried to talk I woulda bawled. #MollyTuttle
@shaugn that song is an absolute crusher, I couldn't believe it