OK first listen to all of the new Molly Tuttle album and not only is there a song about getting legal weed in Nashville but the second song Where Did All The Wild Things Go has a bit about being passed out in the portojohn....this is some real talk #bluegrass from the queen
@mrcompletely she's absolutely delightful and I'm really digging this album. Just picked up tix to her Bellingham show!
@drummmerandy she's so cool
I first saw festival clips of her a few years and listened to the albums and thought "I hope she gets more bluegrassy"
and for once I got my wish!
@mrcompletely I knew that Molly and Billy Strings ran in the same circles, but I recently learned that they were housemates back in the day. You know she has some stories!
@drummmerandy yeah imagine the picking in that living room, sheesh!